
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Kuchi-sake Onna

Image result for kuchisake onna

It's time to move to the east, to the Land of the Rising Sun; Japan. Though this legend is not seen now in Japan  but it's important to know about it.

This legend of Kuchi-sake Onna was feared during the 1970's , since then no such cases of Kuchi-sake Onna were supported. Kuchi-sake Onna is a Japanese word which means a woman whose mouth is cut.

Before becoming Kuchi-sake Onna, she used to be a beautiful woman. She used to ask the travelers passing by, "Am I beautiful?" and everytime she used to receive "Yes" because of her beauty. This used to make her confident and make her feel pride about her beauty.

Soon she got married to a samurai. She had started a new phase of her life but because of her pride on her beauty which has almost disabled her common sense, she use to think of having an affair. It rumored that she had an affair with a soldier.

This news reached the ears of her husband and he went to the soldier and asked him, "Why her? Why my lady?" To this the soldier replied, "Because she is the most beautiful lady of the village and I can't leave a chance like this."

The samurai didn't say a word after that and went to his home, took a pair of scissors and made a cut her wife's face from one ear to the other so that her beauty will no longer be the reason of her pride.

She couldn't bear the pain, not of the pain of her injury but of the pain that she will no longer be beautiful as she used to be. The scar on her face had made her ugly. She couldn't bear this and shot herself few days after this incident.

It is said that her spirit was seen many times in that village. People stated that she comes in a nurse's outfit with a mask on her face and a pair of scissors in her hands and ask the same question which she used to ask, "Am I beautiful?"

If someone says "Yes" which they will have to say when they see her face covered with mask. She will remove her mask and will reveal her half cut face and will ask the same question, "Am I beautiful now?" 

If you say "No"   she will kill you on the spot and if you say 'Yes' then she will tear your face just like her. 

If you are thinking to tell her a 'No' in the first place when she ask you about her beauty then she will kill you with the scissors in her hand. She will not even let you run until she gets an answer, which means if you are ever encountered by Kuchi-sake Onna there is no chance that you can escape.

However with the increase in these incidents measures were also made to escape them. One of the measure is to confuse her in her own question. When she ask you that whether she is beautiful or not just say 'somewhat' or so-so. This will confuse her for a while and will give you a chance to run.

Today there are no cases of Kuchi-sake Onna being heard from anywhere but to all the men reading this I will advice that next time when a girl or woman ask for compliment, don't directly reply her. Try to analyze the situation maybe Kuchi-sakke Onna had shifted her region and currently is in your country.

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